The most important dates in company’s history
1946 - Establishment of the company under the name "Fabryka Materiałów Elektroizolacyjnych"
1952 - Change of the production’s profile and the name into "Gliwickie Zakłady Tworzyw Sztucznych"
Years 70. - The intensive development of the factory:
- The launching of lines for mica– paper production – based on method hydrodynamic
- The starting of production of products on base mica-paper mica tapes and micanites
- The building the department of copper clad laminates
- The expansion and modernization of R&D laboratory.
Years 80. - The investments into equipments for protection of environment – the burners of solvents's fumes
1991 - Changing the name into IZO-ERG and creating of the present logo of Company
1992 - Transformation of the company into join-stock company – IZO-ERG S.A.
1994 - Obtaining ISO 9002 certificate - as one of the first companies in Poland
1995 - Signing of the agreement with DuPont for authorised distribution of NOMEX®
1995 - Accession of the company into the Common Privatisation Programme within the framework of I NFI (National Investment Fund)
1996 - Start up of new production line for flexible materials based on environment friendly technology
1998 - Obtaining of "The Cleaner Production Certificate"
1998 - Signing the distribution agreement with Du Pont in the range of MYLAR® film
1999 - Prize winner in I edition of "Silesian Certificate of Quality"
2000 - Obtaining of ISO 9001 certificate
2000 - Award in VI edition of "Polish Quality Prize"
2001 - Ownership changes - private capital – Polish capital group MISTRAL - since 2001 there has been implemented intensive reengineering of the factory in order the increase the competitiveness of the company
2004 - Winner of competition "Polish Outstanding Exporter"
2007 - Purchasing and launching modern CNC equipment for cutting of materials and machining parts
2010 - IZO-ERG S.A. has invested into a modern system of combustion fumes
2017 - IZO-ERG S.A. has invested into a modern impregnation machines
2018 - IZO-ERG S.A. becomes the laureate of the "Forbes Diamonds 2018" award
2020 - 100% of "IZO-ERG" S.A. shares were bought by Lerg S.A. group